In Technology, Fad is a friend too. Don’t write off fad’s. Instead, have a process which could help you leverage these fads or trends to your business. Create a Tech trend chart from your product perspective and also bring in Customer’s ( existing or potential) Job to done chart.

The intersection of Tech & Job to be done charts is where you would see new Innovations emerging. This could help you roll out offerings that are both incremental and disruptive.

Here’s an article by Dr Shankar M V, Chief Mentor @ ienabler on Trends in Technology Evolution

Trends in Technology Evolution – Part I.

1. Transition from single to double to multiple.

Monolithic items are split into multiple components for efficiency and convenience. Single purpose products are made multi-purpose products. For example, pen with single color ink to pen with different color ink.

2. The transition from rigid to flexible to wave technologies.

According to this trend, the products are moving from rigidity to flexibility. The future stages of the product will be more and more flexible. For example, fixed gates to collapsible gates, fixed tables to openable and adjustable tables etc.

3.The transition from mechanical to thermal to electronic energy application.

Machines are becoming more automated. Human operated machines are converted to petrol operated to battery operated machines. Many are converted to solar and atomic energy operated. For example, bicycle to the motorcycle, mechanical watch to battery operated watch, electric lights to solar lights, steam engine trains to the diesel engine to electric engine etc.

4.Transition from large to small Products are moving from large size to small size.

For example, Old generation computers were large, which were replaced by small personal computers. Current age laptops and palmtops are still smaller. This shows a trend towards future computers of even smaller size. Another example, Large clocks to small wrist watches to macro clocks.

5.Straight lines to curves Flat surfaces are made curved surfaces for convenience of use.

For example, rectangular tv remotes are made curved to fit better with the shape of human palms. Flat rests are made curved rests to give better support to the back.

6.Manual to automatic, or moving towards decreasing human involvement.

Products move towards reduced human involvements. As human time is precious products intend to work automatically without being operated by human beings. For example, thermostats in car engine fans, tv-timer to switch of tv automatically after some time.

7.Transition towards controllability.

Products become more and more controllable. Better products have higher controllability. For example, electronic equipment, space shuttles etc.,.